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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

Nationalism in Mozambique and reasons for slow process in decolonization process of Mozambique.

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- Mozambique was among the last countries in Africa to attain independence from the Portuguese. Even before the Berlin conference, Mozambique and Angola were considered Portuguese colonies owing to the later’s interests in the
region dating back to the pioneer years.
Reasons for slow process in decolonization process of Mozambique.
(a) Mozambique was colonized by a colonial power that was very poor and backward and which needed to keep its hold on her to enable her economy grow.
(b) Mozambique housed many settlers who had invested heavily in farming, mining, building, construction and in other sectors.
(c) Mozambique was an important market for Portuguese products.
(d) The support, which the colonial government got from South Africa, enabled them to get uranium, which they used, for making bombs used to suppress African independence riots.
(e) Mozambique was big geographically with very poor infrastructure i.e. roads and communication facilities.
(f) Unlike other colonized countries, Mozambique suffered the worst kind of exploitation and repression/ rigorous censorship and surveillance by security forces, which discouraged emergence of nationalism.
