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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

African Nationalism in South Africa.

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African Nationalism in South Africa.
- Its roots are traced in the 17th century with the first Boer occupation of South Africa.
- Africans resisted strongly against the interference with their political freedom and economic resources.
- This was in form of the Xhosa and Ndebele wars of the 17th c and the Zulu wars of 1870s led by Cetewayo.
- In 1906, a Zulu chief named Bambata staged another African uprising this time against the British who had annexed the Zululand in 1887.
- From 1910, when the union of South Africa was created and the Afrikaners gained political control of South Africa, Africans lost all the political privileges they previously enjoyed likeability to vote and contest parliamentary seats.
- Africans founded independent churches and formed organizations like the Orange River Organization.
