Factors that facilitated the defeat of the Portuguese colonial armies by FRELIMO in Mozambique.
Answer Text: Factors that facilitated the defeat of the Portuguese colonial armies by FRELIMO in Mozambique.(a) A few Africans were privileged to acquire university education in Portugal and came to form the bulk of FRELIMO leadership.(b) The overwhelming support Mozambique fighters received from other African states e.g. Tanzania, Zimbabwe and DRC.(c) FRELIMO was a formidable, well-organized force, which witnessed rapid expansion from a mere 250 in 1964 to 35000 in 1967.(d) The forested environment favoured guerilla warfare. Moreover,the soldiers knew the topography of the country.(e) The local population gave their logistic support to the fighters, having become tired of the extreme suppression by the Portuguese administration.(f) The movement fighters had their own supply of food.(g) African countries through OAU were united against the Portuguese in Mozambique.