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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

The peak of nationalism in Ghana.

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The peak of nationalism in Ghana.
- On 28th February 1948, the ex-soldiers led the Accra riots, protesting to Governor Gerald Creasy the failed fulfillment of the government pledges while in service during the World War II. Two rioters were killed.
- The shooting incident sparked of chaos in the town leading to another 29 Africans being killed. Nkrumah was arrested together with his colleagues popularly known as the ‘Big Six’. (Nkrumah, Danquah, William Ofori, Addo, Adjei and Obetsebi Lamptey).
- This arrest popularized Nkrumah among the Africans.
- The 1948 Alken Watson commission blamed the social-economic oppression for the riots.
- The governor ordered for constitutional reforms led by J.H Coussey.
- On 12th June 1949, Nkrumah broke ranks with the conservative UGCC senior members and formed the Convention People’s Party (CPP).
- His party gained support mainly from among the primary school leavers.
- It is Nkrumah in association with other elites that fuelled the Nationalistic movement bringing Ghana to independence in the late 1950’s.
