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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

Reasons for the birth of Afrikaner Nationalism in South Africa.

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Reasons for the birth of Afrikaner Nationalism in South Africa.
(a) The desire to regain the culture against Anglicization, which they considered, was alien. (Anglicization of power, language and cultures)
(b) The Boers hated the British rule, which they considered as alien.
(c) The British were dominant in many spheres of life yet they could neither speak nor understand Afrikaners’ language.
(d) The Boers wanted to rule South Africa and restore Boer culture, language, education and literature.
(e) They favoured republican states and complete independence for South Africa and non-cooperation with British to fulfill their divine mission of bringing civilization to the heathen.
(f) The Jameson raid flared up Boer sentiments. Jameson, a Briton led a force of 500 soldiers to invade Transvaal, a Boer territory.
