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 Form 3 History: Emergence and growth of nationalism in Africa online lessons

The ANC and the PAC Turn to Violence in South Africa.

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The ANC and the PAC Turn to Violence in South Africa.
- Prohibited from operating, both the ANC and the PAC established underground organizations in 1961.
- The militant wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), targeted strategic places such as police stations and power plants.
- Poqo (Blacks Only), the militant wing of the PAC, engaged in a campaign of terror, targeting in particular African chiefs and headmen believed to be collaborators with the government and killing them.
- 17 Umkhonto leaders, including Walter Sisulu were arrested at Rivonia farm house. Along with Nelson Mandela, they were tried for treason.
- Albert Luthuli was confined by government to his rural home in Zululand until his death in 1967.
- Tambo escaped from South Africa and became president of the ANC in exile.
- Robert Sobukwe of Poqo was jailed on Robben Island until 1969 and then placed under house arrest in Kimberley until his death in 1978.
- The Johannesburg railway station bomber, John Harris, was hanged.
