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 Form 4 CRE: Christian Approach to Selected Issues Related to Modern Science..

Christian view on deforestation and ways in which Christians can preserve and conserve forests

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Christian view on deforestation.
- Some of the ways Christians have helped in the preservation of forests is by joining organizations like the Green-Belt movement and Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) to protect and conserve forests.
- Christians have also been commanded by God to take care of the God-given environment including forests.
- It is therefore, a Christian duty to preserve and conserve forests.
- Christians should follow government policy of planting trees.
- They should also participate in the annual tree planting day which is held in the month of May of every year.
- They should also educate members of their community on the importance of preserving and conserving forests.
- Christian farmers can also plant trees alongside the crops grown (agro-forestry).
- Other ways in which Christians can preserve and conserve forests are:
(i) Afforestation and re-afforestation.
(ii) Practicing of zero-grazing.
(iii) Using renewable sources of energy.
(iv) Obeying rules and laws that govern the protection of the environment.
