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 Form 4 CRE: Christian Approach to Selected Issues Related to Modern Science..

Christian view on blood transfusion and ways in which blood transfusion is used to save lies:

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(b) Blood transfusion as an issue related to Science and Technology.
- Blood Transfusion is the process of injecting blood stream of a patient through his/her veins.
- This happens when the patient’s level of blood is low, or before and after a patient undergoes a major operation.
- Blood transfusion has evolved through centuries to the modern scientific and therapeutic procedures.
- The Romans rushed to drink the blood of dying gladiators as a method of rejuvenating themselves.
- In some African communities, people
drink blood as food and to seal covenants.
- Such practices of drinking blood by mouth rather than injecting it through the veins had very little effect on the intended purpose.
- Today, blood transfusion is a common medical practice that is used to save lives.
- The following are some of the ways in which blood transfusion is used to save lies:
(i) To restore blood lost during fatal accidents, wars and child birth.
(ii) To give blood to terminally ill people like sickle cell anemia
and cancer of the blood patients.
(iii) To maintain blood levels for patients undergoing major operations.
(iv) To correct the low haemoglobin levels of some patients.
- In Kenya, many hospitals maintain a blood bank for the treatment of various
patients and for use during major operations and child birth.
- Kenya appeals to it citizen to donate blood and has set apart a week in the month of October to coincide with Mashujaa Day for this purpose.
Christian view on blood transfusion.
- Christians have different views concerning the issue of blood transfusion.
- Some Christians believe that it is wrong to take blood from a healthy person and transfuse it to another person.
- As far as they are concerned, blood is life and cannot be taken from one individual and placed into another.
- They believe that, to transfuse blood is equal to eating it which is condemned in the Bible (Leviticus 17:10-14, Acts 15:20).
- Other Christians however, accept blood transfusion as a common modern science practice.
- Such Christians donate blood to save the lives of accident victims and other patients.
- God values the life of human beings, through His son, Jesus Christ. He healed the sick and raised the dead (Matthew 9:18-26, Luke 6:11-17). By so doing, He gave them life and delivered them from suffering.
- God has given Christians the intelligence and capability to make the right decisions and choices.
- He gave human beings power to conquer and subdue the earth (Genesis 1:28), including overcoming diseases and saving lives through blood transfusion.
