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 Form 4 CRE: Christian Approach to Selected Issues Related to Modern Science..

Christian response to the impact of Science and Technology and substances that cause pollution

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Christian response to the impact of Science and Technology.
- In modern times, human beings entirely depend on the environment for raw materials for industries, food, leisure, water and fresh air.
- Attempts have been made through science and technology to increase
production from the land and waters by using improved breeds, fertilizers, irrigation, herbicides and land reclamation techniques.
- However, some activities of applied modern science have resulted in the destruction of the God-given environment such as:
(a) Pollution.
- Pollution means the introduction into the environment of substances or energy that is liable to cause hazards to human health, harm to living resources and ecological systems, damage to structure or interfere with the
legitimate use of the environment.
- Substances that cause pollution are known as pollutants and include:
(i) Industrial effluents.
(ii) Pesticides and insecticides.
(iii) Fertilizers
(iv) Dust
(v) Smoke
(vi) Noise
(vii) Exhaust gases from automobiles.
- Major types of pollution include Land, Air, Water and Noise.
