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 Form 4 CRE: Christian Approach to Selected Issues Related to Modern Science..

Meaning of plastic surgery and Christian view on plastic surgery

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(e) Plastic Surgery as an issue related to Science and Technology.
- Plastic surgery is the repairing or improving of damaged, diseased, or unsatisfactorily shaped parts of the body with pieces of skin or bone taken from other parts of the body.
- The most common form of plastic surgery is cosmetic surgery.
- It is concerned with the improvement in appearance of certain parts of the body, for example, the face, ears, nose and breasts.
- This improvement mat not necessarily be as a result of disease or injury bur because the person feels aesthetically unattractive.
Christian view on plastic surgery.:
- Jesus Christ performed miracles which helped to restore people into wholeness. For example, He healed a man with a withered hand (Matthew 12:10-13).
- Thus, when plastic surgery is meant to restore people to wholeness, it is a continuation of Jesus’ healing ministry.
- However, Christians may be opposed to certain aspects of plastic surgery. For example, when people undergo the surgery to alter their physical
appearance to look young or to have a light skin.
- God is concerned about the wholeness of human beings and each person is wonderfully created in the image and likeness of God.
- People who seek plastic surgery challenge and fail to appreciate God’s work of creation.
- Christians should appreciate themselves and avoid plastic surgery that will make them look young or interfere with their physical appearance.
