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 Form 4 CRE lessons on marriage

Celibacy as an alternative to marriage and examples of churches where it is practiced

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Celibacy as an alternative to marriage:
-The word celibacy is derived from the latin word “Coelebes” which means “bachelor”.
-Under normal circumstances, everybody is expected to get married at the appropriate time.
- However, there are some people who renounce marriage for various reasons.
-The word celibacy is commonly used for acceptance of the single state as a religious duty whether by taking vows or due to special circumstances.
-Celibacy is widely practiced in the Roman Catholic Church, the Coptic Orthodox Church (Egyptian Orthodox Church), the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Anglican Church of Kenya.
-In these churches, there are nuns, brothers, monks, priests and bishops who have taken vows of chastity.
-They have renounced marriage and family life in order to dedicate their full lives to the ministry of the Church.
- The practice of celibacy is derived from the scriptures and Jesus’ teaching.
-John the Baptist is depicted as an ascetic who did not indulge in strong drink, shave his hair or marry.
- Jesus taught that celibacy is a gift from God and cannot be imposed on anybody.
- Saint Paul taught that celibacy is good only for those who have received it as a gift from God.
-He went on to advise the married Christians that temporary sexual abstinence for religious reasons may be permitted in marriage, but only if both partners consent to it. Paul’s personal preference however was celibacy. He advised the widows or unmarried to remain single but if they could not, they should marry to avoid falling into sin.
