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 Form 4 CRE lessons on marriage

How wedding Ceremony in traditional African society was carried out.

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Wedding Ceremony in traditional African society.
-The wedding ceremony varies from one community to another.
- In some communities, the ceremony may last several days and is marked by rituals.
- In others it may be a single day’s event. After the arrival of the bride to the groom’s home, there is feasting and celebration.
- During this time, the couple is visited by relatives and friends from both sides.
- Part of the celebrations have a religious dimension as prayers are offered for the couple and God is called upon to bless them in all ways and especially with children.
-During such a ceremony, relatives gather together to witness the young man and woman making promises and vows to one another.
-The elder then blesses the couple.
-One feature that is celebrated in some traditional African wedding is virginity.
- If the girl is a virgin, great celebrations are carried out and this enhances the status of the girl’s family.
- If the girl has lost her virginity, the marriage may be dissolved and this brings great shame to her parents and relatives.
