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 Form 4 CRE online lessons on Christian approach to leisure

Reasons why people abuse alcohol and other drugs

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Reasons why people abuse alcohol and other drugs
-Frustration. People indulge in alcohol and drugs in order to cope with frustrating situations.
-Idleness is a cause of alcohol and drug abuse. When young people have too much time to themselves with nothing constructive to do, they tend to experiment
with alcohol and drugs in order to get excitement.
-Giving too much money to young people as pocket money without regulating its use is another cause of abuse of alcohol and drugs.
-Financial stress. Those who have little or no money are likely to feel inadequate because of their inability to provide for their families.
-Bad examples from adults is another reason for alcohol and drug abuse.
-Availability of drugs in the Kenyan market.
-Negative peer pressure. In many social gatherings, a person may be sidelined if they are not doing what the rest of the group is doing.
-Media influence. Commercial advertising and movies promote abuse of alcohol and drugs by linking success and power to their consumption.
-Parental neglect of children. Some parents are unavailable for their children, because they are either too busy or indifferent.
-Permissiveness and breakdown of traditional African values. Western culture has negatively influenced African traditional values.
