Hard drugs and their examples
Answer Text: Hard drugs-These are also referred to as narcotic drugs.-They are hallucinogens.-They are substances that produce dreams and illusions.-They also distort visual, hearing and touch perception.Examples of hard drugs-Cocaine is a narcotic drug derived from coca leaves. It is a very expensive and addictive drug.-The drug leads to dependence, addiction, mental problems and death.-Morphine is derived from cocaine and can be used medically used to suppress pain.-Constant use causes addiction.-Bhang comes from a plant called Indian hemp. Another name given to bhang is Marijuana or Cannabis sativa. All parts of this plant are addictive. The drug causes aggression in people.-Heroin is a derivative of morphine. It is a highly addictive narcotic drug that has been processed and looks like white crystalized powder. It is injected through the veins into a person’s body. It causes loss of appetite for food, loss of weight, heart and liver diseases.