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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on industry

Factors that led for the development of Cottage Industry in India

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Factors for the Development of Cottage Industry in India
1. The industry requires little capital outlay to establish.
2. Majority of Indians are very skilled weavers and ornamental ware makers.
3. The high demand for products in the populous sub-continent has led to the development of the industry.
4. India has a huge population which ensures a steady supply of cheap labour.
5. The industries don’t require big space so they can be established anywhere e.g. in homes and small rented rooms.
6. Abundant supply of locally available raw materials which are used in the cottage industry.
7. Availability of hydroelectric power which is well distributed within the rural towns.
8. The urge of people to earn an income in order to uplift their living standards.
9. Availability of simple and affordable tools and machines.
