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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on industry

Types or classification of Industries

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Types/Classification of Industries:
According To Raw Materials Used, Products and Level Of Production:
Primary /Processing Industries:
Industries involved in the exploitation of natural resources (e.g. mining, fishing, forestry and agriculture) or processing raw materials into more
useful and valuable form which are used in making final products e.g. coffee pulp factories, cotton ginneries, milk dairies, sugar factories, saw mills, abattoirs, leather tanneries, posho mills and sisal factories.
Secondary /Manufacturing industries:
-Ones which rely on processed goods to make final products or which
make final products directly from raw materials e.g. sweet industries, bread, cement factories, oil refineries, cigarette making, pulp and paper industries, etc.
-some secondary industries use raw materials directly to make final products. E.g crude oil.
Tertiary /service industries:
-Industries involved in providing services and don’t produce tangible goods e.g. transport and communication, trade, banking, tourism, administration, education, medical, etc.
-They distribute commodities that have been produced in the primary and secondary industry to the consumers.
