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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on industry

Possible solutions to the problems of industrialization.

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Possible solutions to the problems of industrialization.
- The government to give incentives such as tax exemptions to investors in order to establish industries.
-Local financial institutions should assist by giving long term loans at affordable loans.
-Supplementing local raw materials with imported raw materials.
- Planting more trees to increase raw materials required for timber related industries.
- Government should explore market within regional trading like COMESA, EAC, etc.
- It should also provide technical assistance to local manufacturers so that produce goods of high quality in order to be able to compete favorably in the world market.
-Government to lower tax on raw materials in order to reduce the prices of manufactured goods.
- More people should be trained in respective fields to make up for shortage.
- Improvement of salaries and working conditions to check the brain drain.
- Imposing heavy duties on imported products which are also produced locally.
- Improving the quality of locally manufactured goods so that they can compete favorably.
-Eliminating corruption in the importation sector to ensure goods aren’t imported illegally.
- The problem can be reduced through strict legislation against dumping of industrial wastes and inspection of industrial activities to ensure wastes aren’t released to the environment before treatment.
