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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on industry

How capital, personal decision and cost of land influence location and development of industries

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How capital, personal decision and cost of land influence location and development of industries:
-A lot of capital is required in establishing and developing industry e.g. for purchasing land, putting up
buildings and purchasing machinery and equipment.
- Countries with plenty of capital industrialise with greater ease than those with little capital which often rely on foreign aid and multinational corporations to set up domestic industries which reduces benefits accruing from such industries.
Personal Decisions:
- Security to allow secure operations.
- Where they can get maximum benefits.
-To set industries in their home areas to offer jobs to their local people.
The Cost of Land:
-A place where land is expensive discourages industrial development e.g. industries are now being established in the neighbouring towns of Kitengela, Ruiru and Athi River because land is expensive in Nairobi.
