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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on industry

Cottage industries in India, their characteristics and their comparison with those in Kenya

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Cottage Industry in India
- Its labour force consists of people working at home with their own tools or simple machinery.
- The major areas in which it’s highly developed include Mumbai, Jabalpur, Magpur, Bhopal, Bhutan, Madras, Calcuta, Bangalore, Lucknow and Moradabad.
- The industry involves weaving, making clothes, brass, Copper and silver ware ornamental ivory, jewellery, carpets, safety matches, etc.
Characteristics of Cottage Industry in India and their companies with those in Kenya.
1. The cottage industries are rural based while in Kenya they are rural and urban based.
2. The craftsmen are highly skilled while in Kenya not all are highly skilled.
3. Labour in the industry is provided by individuals or members of the family while in Kenya its individuals or members of groups.
4. Industry is owned by the family in India while in Kenya it’s owned by individuals.
5. In India cottage industries are found almost everywhere (ubiquitous) while in Kenya they are mostly in urban areas and some few homes.
6. There are middlemen who supply raw materials to the industry while in Kenya they obtain raw materials directly from their sources.
