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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on industry

How government policy influences location and development of industries and aims of industrialization

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How government policy influences location and development of industries:
-Decentralization of industries or encouraging by providing incentives, location of industries from urban to rural areas.
Examples of incentives include:
1. Tax exemptions
2. Protection from foreign competition.
Aims of decentralization:
1. Develop all parts.
2. Create jobs in rural areas to minimize rural-urban migration.
3. Take industries where labour is found.
4. Open remote or underdeveloped areas for development.
5. To reduce congestion in the capital city.
6. Environmental reasons whereby industries are located away from residential areas because they produce harmful fumes and a lot of noise.
7. Security reasons to prevent industries from being attacked by terrorists because if they were all
together there would be a great loss. E.g. EPZ industries located at Athi River to reduce congestion in Nairobi industrial area and Mariakani and Kikuyu Steel Rolling Mills established in their respective areas to open up the region for development.
