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 Form 4 CRE online lessons on Christian approach to work

Christian approaches to Self-employment

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Christian approaches to Self-employment
-Due to the limited formal employment opportunities in Kenya today, it seems like entrepreneurship or self-employment is the only way out for most school leavers, graduates of universities, polytechnics and other colleges in Kenya.
-Self-employment is an occupation in which a person initiates a personal enterprise and manages it with the help of others.
-It enables a person to generate income that may be re-invested.
-It also facilitates the employment of other people and therefore improve the economic welfare of the
individual, family and the nation.
-The youth need to equip themselves with skills of starting up small enterprises such as:
-Looking at different factors and coming up with original ideas that can bring about different forms of businesses. This means that there is need to know which
areas can produce goods cheaply that are in demand, which enterprises are already in existence and the availability of markets for finished products.
-Seeking information about the formal requirements and procedures needed to start a business.
-Christian teaching encourages people to be workers and emulate God who is a worker.
-Christians have a duty to create job opportunities for others.
-This will help reduce crime and hence make the country produce responsible citizens.
-Christians too have a duty to others. They can help their neighbours by creating employment for them, so that they do not live in misery.
-They should show love and concern for others especially by helping the poor and needy in society.
