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 Form 4 CRE online lessons on Christian approach to work

Christian approaches to wage, labour or contracts.

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Christian approaches to wage, labour or contracts.
-Wages are payments made when a person is employed. Workers and employers sign a labour contract which gives terms and conditions of services. Within the contract, are details of expected salary and other benefits.
- These contracts are legally binding and cannot be altered by the employer at will.
- Labour contracts provide protection for the employees and prevent the employers from mistreating the employees for example, firing them at will.
-A just wage should be calculated to be commensurate with the work done and the profits made. In other words, everyone has
a right to equal pay for equal work done.
-It should not be biased, as was the practice in Kenya in 1960s when women earned less than men in the teaching and other professions.
- Wages should also be periodically reviewed so that employees can feel appreciated.
- The pay should also not be so high that the organization becomes bankrupt.
