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 Form 4 CRE online lessons on Christian approach to work

Christian approaches to unemployment

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Christian approaches to unemployment
-The term unemployment refers to situations where jobs are lacking, both in the salaried sector and in self-employment.
-Unemployment leads to many social evils such as idleness, theft, prostitution, jealously and hatred.
-People who are unemployed are generally insecure, unhappy and lack the basic essentials of life.
-The Christian view of unemployment is that it is an economic and moral problem because it makes qualified people idle and may result to social evils.
-Unemployment also denies people chances to utilize their talents.
-Work is willed by God and when some people lack it, God’s plan for people remains unfulfilled.
-Christians should guide and counsel young people about the dignity of work so that they understand that there is
no work that is more important than the other.
-They should accept any job that is available as they wait to get high ‘status jobs’.
-The church should continue to address the problem of unemployment by starting income generating activities that will offer employment opportunities to people.
