Traditional african understanding of the family
Answer Text: Traditional African understanding of the family:-Many African communities believe the family was instituted by God. -It is said that from the very beginning of existence, God taught Africans to make a family through marriage and procreation.- Thus the formation of a family is a sacred duty. -The traditional African family also includes the living dead and those yet to be born, This family is therefore a complex institution with horizontal and vertical dimensions. -The horizontal dimensions consist of the already born living members. -The vertical dimensions are made up of the dead and those yet to be born. -The traditional African family is a socio-religious unit. -It is within the family that all important religious and socio activities occur. For example, rituals related to naming, initiation, marriage and death are undertaken by all members of the family. -Family relationships are strong in the African traditional society and entail obligations and rights which extend to all members of the family, both the dead and the living.