Assertiveness and how it can be applied
Answer Text: Assertiveness as life skill:Assertiveness is the way of expressing one’s feelings or desires openly. It is knowing what you want and why. It is also the ability to take the necessary steps to achieve what you want. People who are assertive are aware of their rights and demand them when they are violated. They are able to expresstheir feelings, thoughts and needs in an open and honest way. Assertive people have high levels of self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.How assertive skills can be applied.-Refusing to accept lifts and gifts from strangers or people whose motives you do not understand. There areknown cases when young people have accepted such favours only to end up in problems.-Deciding to work hard to attain excellent results in national examinations.-Refusing to bow down to peer pressure.-Demanding for one’s rights when they are violated. It is important to realize thatbeing assertive does not mean that we become aggressive and disrespectful to other people. Assertiveness implies expressing our views while respecting those of others.