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 Form 2 CRE Lessons: Some major teachings of Jesus

Jesus’ teaching on watchfulness and readiness

 (4m 22s)
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To be watchful is to be alert or on the lookout. Readiness on the other hand refers to the state of being prepared.
Jesus used several illustrations to show how it is important to be watchful and ready.
Jesus gave an example of the watchful servants who stayed ready waiting for their master’s return from wedding feasts who were properly dressed and their lamps lit.
Christians therefore should be ready like such servants. This is because the son of man will come at an hour when people are not expecting him. He also gives an illustration of faithful and unfaithful servants.
The faithful servant is the one who acts responsibly. When the master returns and finds him doing the right thing, he will be happy and promote him. Jesus further warns that his coming may be associated with division. The division may be based on whether one accepts Jesus or rejects him. This will cause suffering in families.
The disciples were cautioned to watch out for the divisions that would arise. Jesus finally talks about the signs just like people know the signs of the weather. So are the signs of God’s kingdom. The disciples were to be watchful for the signs of kingdom and make a positive response towards them.
