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 Form 2 CRE Lessons: Some major teachings of Jesus

Jesus teaching on material possession

 (4m 26s)
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Jesus used the parable of the rich farmer to illustrate correct attitude towards wealth (earthly possessions).
The parable of the rich farmer (The rich fool) Luke.12:16-24
That once there was a rich farmer who had land that bore good crops. The farmer began to think to himself. He had nowhere to keep the harvest. He said that he was going to pull down the barns that he had and would build bigger ones, where he would store the grains and other goods. Then I will sit and merry. But God said to him. You fool this night I will take your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself ?. Jesus concluded by saying this is how it is with those who pile riches for themselves and are not rich in God’s sight. Jesus used this parable to teach that we should not put our trust in material wealth but in God who controls our lives.
