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 Form 2 CRE Lessons: Some major teachings of Jesus

The duties and privileges of disciples.

 (5m 30s)
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During Jesus’ touring to Jerusalem people continued to follow him and some of them became his apostles.
-He gave those who volunteered to follow him conditions , for example a man told Jesus that he was ready to follow him wherever he went and Jesus responded that “foxes have holes and birds of air have nests but son of man has nowhere to lay his head”.
That meant following Jesus meant accepting homelessness and enduring hardship. -Jesus invited another man, he told him first he was to bury his father.
To Jesus, family obligations had to be set aside to follow Jesus. To follow Jesus the conditions are;
1.Being a disciple of Jesus meant self-denial and suffering.
2.Some people have put all their intellectual and financial resources to missionary work.
3.Following Jesus means being loyal to him. One should not be distracted by anything else.
Following Jesus has the following privileges;
-One becomes a member of the kingdom of God
-Assurance of eternal life.
-The joy of winning others to the kingdom of God.
