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 Form 2 CRE Lessons: Some major teachings of Jesus

Reasons why Jesus criticized the Pharisees and also teachers of the law

 (6m 15s)
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1.They considered themselves righteous. It was not important merely to observe the law but to show by actions and charity.
2.He criticized the Pharisees of how they could pray loudly as a show off.
3.The Pharisees taxed the people heavily and rejected justice and the love of God.
4.Jesus also accused the Pharisees against showing off-they go for the best seats in the synagogues and demand salutation in the market places. 5.They followed Jesus with the intention of finding faults.
6.They paid tithes by giving one tenth of the seasoning herbs such as mint and rue which was meant to support the work of priests and levites.
7.He also criticized the teachers of the law and the scribes for knowing what a person was expected to do but failed to make the people
to understand the true interpretation of the law.
8.The lawyers prevented the people from entering the kingdom of God by making too many human rules.
9.They altered the Law of Moses to suit their interests.
10.They knew the commandment of God but did not apply them appropriately
