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 Form 2 CRE Lessons: Some major teachings of Jesus

The mission of the seventy two

 (5m 50s)
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At the start of the journey to Jerusalem, Jesus chose 72 disciples and sent them on a mission to preach and heal. They were sent before him to prepare the way. The mission of the seventy two would represent the preaching of the Gospel to the whole world. This also confirms that Jesus was a universal savior and that the Gospel was for all irrespective of the race or colour. The disciples would continue with the preaching after Jesus’ ascension to heaven Jesus said that he was sending his disciples as lambs between wolves. This meant that they would encounter dangers, hostility and rejection. Jesus therefore, gave them the following instructions:
1. They were not to carry money, food or clothing. They were to depend entirely on the hospitality of the people.
2. They were to preach peace in the houses they entered.
3. They were to heal the sick
4.Preach the kingdom of God.
5.To shake off the dust from their feet where they were rejected. This was symbolic. It was an act of separating
themselves from those who rejected them.
Jesus stressed the idea that the kingdom of God had come and those who do not believe will suffer when judgment will be upon them. After their mission, the disciples returned and reported their success to Jesus.
They reported that they were able to drive out demons in the Mighty name of Jesus.
