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 Form 2 CRE Lessons: Some major teachings of Jesus

The petitions of Lord’s prayer.

 (3m 58s)
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1. Jesus addressed God as “father” When Jesus addressed God as father, he showed his unique and close relationship with God. Christians should establish a close relationship
with God by addressing God as their father.
2. Honouring God’s Holy Name-Hallowed be thy name. Jesus honoured his father by accepting His life and ministry. A Christian should give God His full glory, honour and praises.
3.Declaring the kingdom of God-Thy kingdom come.
God’s kingdom is the rule of God in the hearts of people. Christians should ask God to establish His kingdom.
4.Asking God to provide for our daily needs-Give us each day our daily bread. Christians should ask God to provide for them for our daily needs.
5.Asking God to forgive our sins as we forgive others. Christians should ask for forgiveness of their sins. 6.Pleading with God not to bring temptations. -Christians should also ask God not to lead them into temptations.
