In this lesson we are going to discuss the consequences of Climate Change
Answer Text: Consequences of ClimateChange1. Global warming due togreenhouse effect by gasesadded in to the atmosphereand destruction of ozonelayer.2. Increased rainfall in someplaces as a result of hightemperatures causing highrates of evaporation causingwet areas to become wetterand dry areas to become drier.3. Effect on agriculture bycausing crop growing areas toshift to cooler altitudes andlatitudes e.g. wheat growingareas of Canada shifting to thepoles and causing dropping orfailure of crop yields in areawhere temperatures haveincreased.4. Water shortage whenclimate becomes drier causingless water to infiltrateunderground and hence lesswater to feed rivers.5. Submergence of coastalareas causing flooding whenAntarctic and Arctic glaciersmelt and water is added to theoceans.6. Heat waves due toincreased temperature whichleads to death of people.7. Receding and disappearanceof ice caps on mountains e.g.Mt. Ruwenzori.8. Abnormal growth of plantsdue to increased amounts ofco2 causing increased rate ofphotosynthesis which maylead to increased yields ofmajor crops, poor soils due tosoils having to sustain highrates of plant growth.9. Increased levels of ultraviolet radiation which causeshuman diseases such as skincancer, lowering cropproduction by slowingphotosynthesis andgermination, lowering fishpopulation by damagingplankton which fish eats anddegradation of paint andplastics.Solution to Climate Change• Afforestation andreafforestation.• Use of energy saving stovesto reduce the rate ofdeforestation.• Use of alternative sources ofenergy which areenvironmentally friendly and water instead offossil fuels.• Proper maintenance ofvehicle to reduce emissionsfrom their exhausts.• Use of public transport toreduce the amount of fossilfuel used and hence theamount of co2 added into theatmosphere.