In this lesson we are going to discuss the local/micro climates
Answer Text: Local/Micro ClimatesClimate experienced within asmall area which is slightlydifferent compared to thegeneral climate of the area.It occurs on the immediatesurroundings and within somephenomenon on the earth’ssurface.Micro-climates can be foundin the following areas:(a) Within and around aforest• Experience low temperaturesdue to trees preventing solarinsolation from reaching theground.• Experiences high rainfall dueto high rates ofevapotranspiration.(a) Urban areas• Higher temperatures due togreen house effect (situationwhere atmospheric gasesabsorb heat that is given offby the earth (terrestrialradiation) before its sent backto space causing thetemperature of the loweratmosphere to increase.(b) Around man made lakes• Experience highconvectional rainfall due tohigh moisture content.•Around natural lakesexperiences land breezeswhich cause early morningshowers and sea breezeswhich lower temperaturesduring the hot season.