In this lesson we are going to discuss the climatic regions of Kenya
Answer Text: Modified Equatorial Climate- Experienced along the coastand along the coast fromSomali-Tanzanian border andL. Victoria basin regionsaround the lake.Along the CoastCharacteristics• High temperaturesthroughout the year meanannual about 27◦c.• Small mean annual range oftemperature about 4◦c.• Hottest months areDecember and January.• Experiences rainfallthroughout the year/ no realdry season.• Double maxima rainfallregime (2 rain seasons) inMay and October.• High humidity due to hightemperature causing high ratesof evaporation and nearness tothe sea.L. Victoria BasinCharacteristics• Temperature is lower thanthe truly equatorial climatedue to modifying influence ofthe lake (mean annual rangebetween 22-26◦c).• There are no real drymonths.• Heavy rainfall ranging from1000-600mm.• Double maxima rainfallregime.• Receives convectional typeof rainfall which falls mainlyin the afternoons.• High relative humidity dueto high temperature andnearness to the lake which is asource of moisture.Modified Tropical Climate- Experienced in centralhighlands E and W of R.Valley.Characteristics• Mean annual temperaturesaverages between 17-24◦c.• Lower warmer slopes andcooler higher slopes due tomodification by altitude.• Receives rainfall throughoutthe year (1000-2000mm).• Receives Orographic rainfallcaused by S.E Trade Winds.• Double maxima rainfallregime in eastern highlandsand single maximum in the W.highlands.• Humidity is moderate.Tropical Continental/desertClimate- Experienced in about ½ ofKenya in most of N, N.E,most of E and S Kenya.Characteristics• High temperaturesthroughout the year with meanbetween 22 and 27◦c.• Generally dry with less than500mm of unreliable rainfall.• Large diurnal range oftemperature.• The skies are generally clear.• Low humidity.• Temperature has beenmodified by relief in someareas e.g. Voi-25◦c andGarissa -28.5◦c.Tropical Climate- Experienced in Narok, S.Taita and Kwale region.Characteristics• High temperatures (meanannual temp-16.5◦c).• Temperature is modified byrelief in some areas e.g. Loita,Taita and Narok which hasmade the place suitable forhuman habitation.• Generally low rainfallamounts.• Rain falls in one season.• A long dry season lasting upto 6 months.Tropical Northern Climate- Experienced in a small areain the N. W part of Kenyabordering Uganda.Characteristics• High average temperatures.• Temperatures are modifiedin some places by altitude.• Low mean annual rainfall ofabout 850mm.• Rain falls mainly in June andSeptember.• Experiences a long dryseason of up to 6 months.Desert Climate- Experienced in centralnorthern Kenya where thereare pure deserts such asChalbi, Karoli and Kaisutdeserts.Characteristics• Temperatures are very highthroughout the year averaging30◦c due to cloudless skies.• Very low rainfall of less than250mm per year.• Characterised by divergingor descending winds whichdon’t bring any rain.• Night temperatures areextremely low.• Humidity is low.• Sandstorms are common occurrences.