In this lesson we are going to discuss the effects of Aridity and Desertification
Answer Text: Effects of Aridity andDesertification1. Infertile soils which supportlittle or no vegetation.2. Low agricultural productiondue to insufficient rainfallleading to famine.3. Shortage of water fordomestic and industrial usewhich may also lead toshutting down of manyindustries4. Migration of people fromareas affected by aridity anddesertification leading topopulation pressure andeventually conflicts.5. Destruction of vegetationwhich exposes land to soilerosion.6. Can lead to extinction ofsome plants and animalspecies causing loss ofbiodiversity.Solutions to Aridity andDesertification1. Afforestation andreafforestation because treesprotect soil from erosion,increase run off and releasemoisture to the atmosphereleading to increased rainfall.2. Adopting soil conservationmeasures such as terracing,contour ploughing, plantingcover crops etc.3. Rearing a number ofanimals which is proportionalto the carrying capacity ofland.4. Irrigating dry lands.5. Introduction of energysaving stoves to reducedemand for wood fuel whichwill reduce deforestation.6. Use of alternative sourcesof energy which don’t pollutethe environment e.g. solar andwater.7. Introducing droughtresistant crops in the aridareas.8. Controllingindustrialization by settinglaws governing pollution.