In this lesson we are going to discuss the warm climates of the world
Answer Text: Warm ClimatesThey border tropical climatesand they experience moderatetemperatures lower than oftropical climates.They are situated in the zoneof divergence of trade windsand westerlies (subtropicalhigh pressure belt).Subdivided into:1. Warm temperate Westernmargin/MediterraneanClimate.2. Warm TemperateInterior/continental Climate.3. Warm temperate Easternmarginal Climate.4. Warm temperate Deserts.Warm Temperate WesternMargin- Also known asMediterranean Climate.- Found on the western marginor sides of continents in thefollowing areas.(a) Southern Europe and N.Africa in the lands borderingMediterranean Sea.(b) S.W tip of Africa aroundCape Town.(c) Central Chile in SAmerica.(d) S.W and S Australia.Characteristics• Hot summers withtemperatures of about 21◦c.• Mild winters withtemperatures of about 10◦c.• Characterised by hot andcold local winds called Mistraland Sirocco.• There is high sunshineduration and intensity insummer.• Experiences cyclonic rainfallin winter when wisterlies areonshore.• Rainfall decreases inland.• Summers are dry due totrade winds blowing offshore.• There are distinct seasonsi.e. summer, autumn, winterand spring.Warm temperate InteriorClimate - Also called SteppeType.It’s found in the interior ofcontinents in the followingareas (grasslands):(a) Steppe Land of U.S.S.R.(b) Veldt of S Africa.(c) Prairie lands of Canadaand U.S.A.(d) Pampas lands ofArgentina.(e) Downs of Australia.Characteristics• Warm short temperaturesbetween 18-21◦c.• Long winters with extremelylow temperatures due tocontinentality which can fallup to -20◦c.• Precipitation is received allthe year round.• Most rainfall is received insummer and snowprecipitation in winter.• Rainfall is moderate withannual mean of 500mm.• Summer rainfall is caused byconvection and depressions.• There is high humidity insummer.Warm temperate EasternMargin climate- Also known as China Type.It’s experienced on the easternmargins of continents in thefollowing areas.(a) S.E China and S. Japan.(b) S.E Australia.(c) S and S.E states of U.S.A.(d) S. America in S. Brazil,Uruguay, E. Paraguay andcoast of Argentina.Characteristics• Hot summers with a meanannual of about 26◦c.• Mild to cool winters due tomarine influence and localwinds (4-13◦c).• Receives rainfall throughoutthe year (about1000mm).experienceshurricanes and typhoons.• Convectional rainfall iscommon in summer.• Rainfall is moderate between760 and1500mm.Warm Temperate Deserts- Also known as Mid-LatitudeDesert climate. It’s experienced in thefollowing areas:1. Nevada and Utah states ofU.S.A.2. Pentagonia in S. America.3. Gobi Desert extensivedesert area of southernMongolia and northern Chinaand the largest desert in Asia.4. Turkey, Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.Characteristics• High summer temperatures(27-37◦c).• Cold winters as low as -7◦c.• Very large diurnal andannual ranges of temperature.• Low and unreliable rainfalldue to great distance from thesea about 250 mm annually.• Most rainfall falls in latewinter or early spring