In this lesson we are going to discuss on cold climates of the world
Answer Text: Cold Climates- Also known as Polar DesertClimates or Arctic andAntarctic Climates.- Found beyond Arctic Circlei.e. 66 ½◦N and S of equator.- Classified into Tundra andPolar Climates.Tundra Climate Areas:(a) Coast of N. Americabordering Arctic Ocean.(b) N part of America fromAlaska through Canada toGreenland.(c) From N coast ofScandinavia to the N.E ofRussia.(d) Baffin Island.Characteristics• Short cool summers withaverage temperatures of about10◦c.• Long cold winters (-29 - -40◦c).• Continuous days in winter andsummer for several days.• Low annual precipitation ofabout 250mm.• Precipitation in form of rainand snow in winter.Polar Climate- Experienced at the poles in theinterior of Iceland, Green landand Antarctica.CharacteristicsTemperature is permanentlybelow freezing point.There is permanent snow coverand ice on the ground(permafrost).Snow storms (blizzards) arecommon.• Continuous winter nights andsummer days with exception ofequinox when sun rises abovehorizon.