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 Form 3 Geography online lessons on map work

How to describe human activities on a topographical map

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Answer Text:
Human/Economic Activities
Description of Human Activities
Identify types
Evidence –man made features
Reasons e.g. tea-cool temps and heavy rainfall
a) Plantation farming Evidenced by presence of:
-Named estates e.g. Kaimosi tea estate
b) Small scale crop farming
- Cotton ginnery or sheds
- Coffee hullerlies
- Posho mills for maize, millet, sorghum
- Tea factory/store
- Dairy farms
- Veterinary stations
- Symbol for a mine/mineral works
- Name of the mine
- Particular mineral e.g. soda ash
- Quarry symbol
- Processing plant of a mineral e.g. cement indicates cement is
mined in that area
- Saw mills
- Fish traps
- Fishing co-operative society
- Fish ponds
- Fish hatcheries
Manufacturing/Processing Industry
- Saw mills for lumber products
- Ginnery for cotton processing
- Mill for maize, millet, wheat processing
