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 Form 3 Geography online lessons on map work

Ridges as a type of relief and types of ridges

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Ridges as a type of relief
- A range of hills with steep slopes on all sides.
- A ridge can contain hills, passes or water shed.
A Col / Saddle
- A low depression which occurs between two hills or mountains ranges which does not allow any communication
- On maps, are shown by absence of both contours and transport routes between two hills.
Defile/ A Pass
- Narrow steep sided gap in a highland, which allows communication to pass e.g. Marich pass in West Pokot
- On maps are shown by absence of contours
between high areas but with a transport route passing through them.
A Water Shed / Divided / Interfluve.
-The boundary separating drainage systems which drain into different directions
- It can be a ridge, plateau, hill or escapement
