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 Form 4 CRE: Christian Approach to law, order and Justice lessons

Role of Christians in transforming the society:Participation in social life.

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(a) Participation in social life.
- Following the example of Jesus Christ, Christians have shown care for the social well-being of the people.
- They have shown concern for the destitute and victims of violence in the society by building homes for them and providing food and clothing.
- Some of these homes cater for AIDS patients and orphans who have nobody else to care for them.
- In these homes, education and practical skills are provided to enable these helpless children develop knowledge and skills that can assist them in their adult lives.
- Christian organizations also offer medical services to the society.
- Mission hospitals like Mukumu in Kakamega
District, Gendia in South Nyanza and Kikuyu in Kiambu, offer medical services at subsidized rates.
- Education has also been a major concern for Christians in Kenya. The missionaries pioneered in the provision of education and established many leading schools in Kenya, such as the Alliance, Mang’u and the Loreto schools.
- Christians have also come up with institution of higher learning like colleges and universities. Examples include, University of Baraton, Catholic University, Methodist University and St. Paul’s Theological University.
- Christians also provide counseling services and try to rehabilitate criminals so that they can fit in the society. They visit prisons to pray and talk with convicts, so that they do not feel alienated from the society.
- Some Christians offer employments to the needy to enable them earn a living. In so doing, they uplift their dignity and become self-supporting.
