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 Form 4 CRE: Christian Approach to law, order and Justice lessons

The need for Law, Order and Justice in the society, importance of laws

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The need for Law, Order and Justice in the society.
-Law, order and justice are essential for preservation of harmony and protection of people.
-For a country to function effectively, there has to be law, order and justice.
Importance of laws
-Safe guarding people’s personal rights
-Protecting people’s property.
-Protecting the consumer from exploitation.
-Safe guarding religious freedom.
-Allowing economic growth and entrepreneurship growth.
-Controlling power of those in authority.
-Regulating employment of foreigners.
-Regulating taxation.
-Law, order and justice are important as they help in controlling discontentment among people. For example, those elected to public offices enhance obedience and implement order and justice by solving people’s problems fairly.
-If people are not satisfied with the actions of their leaders, they may resort to strikes and other acts of lawlessness.
-Local and foreign investors in any country depend on the law, order and justice of that country to provide a conducive atmosphere for their investments.
-Law, order and justice helps in the maintenance of security. The military and the police help in the maintenance of internal and external security. For example, they prevent people from outside the country from disrupting internal peace. They also guard a country from external enemies.
-Law, order and justice also ensures that human rights are upheld.
