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 Form 4 History and Government Online Lessons: Cooperation in Africa

Challenges that face COMESA in its operations:
a) Membership to other bodies. Members of COMESA are also members of EAC and SADC. This leads to divided loyalty.
b) Personality differences. For example, presidents Museveni of Uganda and El Bashir of Sudan were involved in disagreements in 2004 over rebel activities.
c) Boundary conflicts. This has been witnessed between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
d) Civil wars. Wars have been witnessed in DRC, Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi. Such inevitable wars undermine the operations of the common markets.
e) Poor transport between member states. This hampers movement of goods in the region.
f) Pulling out of Tanzania and Namibia. The two founder members have opted for the South African Development Cooperation (SADC). This has undermined COMESA.

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