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 Form 4 History and Government Online Lessons: Cooperation in Africa

The Pan-African movement activities after 1950:
The following conferences were convened during that period.
1) The 1st Conference of Independent African States, Accra, Ghana April 1958.
In attendance were the eight independent African states of Ghana, Egypt, Morocco, Ethiopia, Liberia, Tunisia, Sudan and Libya. The delegates pledged to assist fellow African countries who were fighting for political independence.
2) The All-African Peoples conference. The conference was attended by freedom fighters and trade unionists from all over Africa. It was chaired by Tom Mboya of Kenya.
3) The All-African Peoples Conference, Tunis, January 1960. It strengthened the desire for unity among African states.
4) The 2nd Conference of Independent African States, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 1960. The conference was the forerunner to the formation of a continental Body, OAU. The conference exposed sharp division among African states over the situation in Congo, where
Patrice Lumumba was facing problem

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