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 Form 4 History and Government Online Lessons: Cooperation in Africa

The structure of the New East African Community:
In the november30, 1999 treaty, the following organs were established to coordinate the activities and the direction of the community.
1. The Summit of Heads of State. It had the responsibility of giving direction towards realization of the goals and objectives of the community. It was the
community’s supreme organ, consisting of the three heads of state with the chair being rotational.
2. The Council of Ministers. The main decision –making organ of the heads of governments of the member states. It comprised the designated ministers from member states.
3. The Coordinating Committee. Made up of permanent secretaries. It reports to the council of ministers. It coordinates the activities of the sectoral committees.
4. The Sectoral Committees. These are committees created by the council on recommendation of the respective coordinating committee.
5. The East African Legislative Assembly. It provides a democratic forum for debate.

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