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 Form 4 History and Government Online Lessons: Cooperation in Africa

Challenges that have faced the East African Community (EAC):
a) Suspicion still exists over perceived dominance of Kenya in the community affairs.
b) Despite signing the treaty in 1999, Tanzania customs are still taxing Kenyan products.
c) Increased cross-border smuggling. The freedom of movement within the region sometimes results in smuggling of illegal arms and spread of crime and insecurity.
d) Cattle rustling across the borders. This is common on the Kenya Uganda border with the Pokot and Karamojong attacking each other
e) Arrest of Kenyan fishermen on Lake Victoria by either Tanzania or Ugandan policemen/navy accusing them of fishing in their waters.
f) Membership to other regional bodies e.g. COMESA, SADDC. This complicates the work of the EAC.

 (6m 6s)
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