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 Form 2 History and Government Lessons: Constitution and Constitution Making

Stages in the constitution making process in Kenya since independence.

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Stages in the constitution making process in Kenya since independence.
1) Debate over contentious issues. Issues like the entrenchment of section 2A in the independence constitution in 1981 raised concerns among various stake holders and groups.
2) Collection of public views. The Saitoti commission (the Constitution review commission established by Moi in 1990) had the objective of collecting views of Kenyans concerning how
KANU was to operate in the best way possible.
3) Civic education. in 2001, the Ghai Commission was mandated and funded to provide civic education.
4) Convening of constitutional conferences. For example, The 2002 National Constitution Conference at Bomas of Kenya and other similar conferences.
5) Drafting of the constitution. This involved both local and international experts who drafted the constitution between 2000 and 2010.
6) The referendum. During the 2005 referendum, the Wako Draft constitution was rejected.
7) Promulgation of the constitution. On 27th of August 2010, President Mwai Kibaki presided over the promulgation of the new constitution of Kenya.
