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 Form 2 History and Government Lessons: Constitution and Constitution Making

Meaning of constitution and factors that result to constitution variation in different countries

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-The term ‘constitution’ refers to a set of agreed principles and rules which state the structure and powers of a government
-The constitution of Kenya is a supreme law that binds all people and all state organs at national and county level.
-It outlines the structure of government, defines the powers and prerogatives of the head of state, states the compositions, functions and powers of parliament, states the compositions of the executives and outlines the duties and rights of the citizens.
-Constitutions vary in various countries depending on different experiences and
their form is determined by the following.
a) The historical background of a country
b) Geographical factors. For example, the numerous islands of Japan must be catered for in their constitution
c) Religious beliefs of the people. Some countries have the Islamic Sharia law in their constitution e.g. Libya and Somali
d) Race composition of a country. For example, in South Africa the apartheid racial policy had been included in their constitution.
