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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on transport and communication

Possible solutions to the problems facing transport and communication in Africa.

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Possible solutions to the problems facing transport and communication in Africa.
(i) Developing good relations among the nations in the continent so that countries which have access to the sea permit their landlocked neighbours
to have direct access to the sea routes.
(ii) Constructing passes and tunnels through ridges and slopes and building of bridges across rivers and valleys to allow construction of roads and railways.
(iii) Widening and deepening of river channels through dredging and construction of dams across rivers to improve navigation.
(iv) Joint partnership between African countries with donors in order to finance establishment of communication
infrastructure and also.
(v) Set peace mission in the affected countries in order to restore stability.
(vi) Adoption of major international languages like French and English to help Africa engage in international communication.
(vii) Management and conservation of energy to save on the available resources and alternative sources of energy.
