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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on transport and communication

Examples of railway links in Africa and reasons why there are few railway links among African countries

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Examples of Railway Links in Africa:
- Tazara railway- connects Zambia Copper Belt with the sea port of Dar-es-salaam.
- Benguela Railway- runs from Zambia Copper Belt to Angola.
- Kenya Uganda Railway- runs from Mombasa to Kisumu. It has an
extension from Nakuru through Eldoret to Malaba then through Tororo to Kampala.
- Kenya’s other railway branches are Voi to Taveta, Konza to Magadi, Nairobi to Nanyuki, Gilgil to Nyahururu, Nakuru to Eldoret and Kisumu to Butere.
Why There Are Few Railway Links among African Countries.
- Administration by different colonial governments who constructed railway links only within areas of their jurisdiction.
- Political differences which led to mistrust and hostility which works against effort to construct railway jointly.
- Countries have railways of different gauges making connection to be difficult.
- Little interstate trade which doesn’t warrant construction of railways to transport bulky goods.
- Countries lack sufficient capital to establish railways.
- Mountainous landscape and swampy terrain which hinder the development of rails to link the countries.
