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 Form 4 Geography online lessons on transport and communication

Meaning of transport,communication and factors influencing Transport and Communication

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Transport and communication
- Transport is the act of moving items and people from one place to another while communication is the process of transferring information between individuals, groups and places, through a certain medium.
Factors influencing Transport and Communication
1. Existence of sets of corresponding places with surplus (supply) and deficits (demand) for goods, services and information.
2. Alternative sources may hinder transport and communication e.g. a nearby source of market of
a required commodity or source of information or means of communication.
3. Infrastructure depending on how it is can lead to establishment of efficient or inefficient transport and communication network.
4. Politics where by the government may ban use of certain means of communication e.g. as was the case with Google in China or where the government may decide to be the leading provider of transport and communication facilities.
